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How https and ssl certificate works, installing free ssl certificate

Как работает https и ssl-сертификат

Now basically all sites have the htpps protocol , which replaced the http . What caused this? The https protocol is the same http, only the ability to encrypt all transmitted data has been added. What is it for?

Data transmitted over the network travels to a wide variety of places, so it can be easily intercepted, examined and retrieved the desired information. This can be easily exploited by attackers. Imagine your PC is connected via a cable or wireless Internet connection, and someone will just connect to this cable and start copying all the transmitted information. All your secret data will be in the possession of the thief, in plain text.

Another thing is the new protocol with protection, even if someone connects to your cable, it will intercept only encrypted data that cannot be read. Thus, your secret and all other data will remain under reliable protection .

For encryption, of course, you need a ssl-certificate , it is with its help that the process of signing data for encryption is possible. Such a certificate is issued by a certification authority and guarantees the safety of the data.

Many still do not realize the importance of switching to the https protocol and using the ssl-certificate for their site, they think that they can leave everything as it is, because before there were no ssl-certificates for sites. But that was before, now there is a great risk of being hacked.

It's easy to switch to the new protocol, just order a paid or free certificate and install it on the hosting. Then replace all links on the site with the new protocol, keep in mind that for search engines this will be a new site, so you need to set a redirect from all pages using the old protocol.

I must say that free certificates also protect sites quite well, although they are not as functional as paid ones. You can safely order installation of a free ssl-certificate , this is much better than using the old protocol and continuing to work on the site without a certificate at all. In some cases, free certificates will even be preferable.

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