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What is Bitrix, what a Bitrix programmer should be able to do

Bitrix is ​​an excellent system for website development, but with some caveats. The system is highly complex when working with it by untrained users, but after training, the difficulties will pass. This is a commercial system, so you need to select the appropriate edition and purchase a license . You will need a qualified programmer to develop projects.

Программист Битрикс

Bitrix most often means the product " Bitrix - Site Management ". You can often find the word " BUS ", what is it? "BUS" - this is the product "Bitrix - Site Management".

I must say that it is necessary to conduct development for Bitrix strictly according to the documentation, since the system is very complex in its structure, and in order to avoid problems with the maintenance of the site in the future, you must adhere to the rules described in the documentation ... Bitrix documentation is very large, periodically updated.

Many are attracted by the name " 1C Bitrix ", they see the prefix 1C and since many users have products from this company installed, then the site should be made on a product from such the same company. But in fact, the 1C company simply acquired the Bitrix division and is now only engaged in system improvements. Although the system is complex, and in most cases development on another CMS would be easier and cheaper, good marketing does the trick, so many users want a site only on this CMS.

What language is Bitrix written in ? Bitrix is ​​written in php language. But this system is quite large in its internal structure, it may seem that other programming languages ​​are used.

What should a Bitrix programmer be able to do? He must be well trained, it is better that he be certified. It is possible for such a developer to pass an online exam under a video camera and receive a certificate. Certified Programmer Bitrix must be able to install, configure and modify the system to the required functionality. If you need help - leave a request.

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IT-заметки - Простым языком о самом нужном (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, базы данных, Drupal, Битрикс, SEO, домены, безопасность и другое), PDF, 500 стр.