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How to make a website, content management system Eqsash CMS


When the question of creating a site arises, the developer is faced with the question of how to build his project. You can consider different options, which one will have to be better decided by the developer himself. Consider below some of the options on how to make a website, what methods there are.

A simple option is to quickly create a site yourself in the site builders so advertised today. There is nothing to say about it. Besides the fact that such a site will not actually belong to you, it is extremely unprofessional.

Another option is to create a website from scratch , or using a framework. This method is mostly suitable for web developers.

Development based on CMS. Everything is clear here, a system is selected and the required functionality is developed based on the API of the selected system. Among the existing content management systems (CMS), it is necessary to highlight the Eqsash CMS system. This is a unique content management system, it is intended both for ordinary users who want to create a website on their own, and for experienced web developers. The system can be used as a framework for website development ( CMF ).

Why did you need to develop such a system, when there are already many other systems for managing the site? The answer is obvious, such systems are not always suitable for development. To develop sites using them, you need to have significant knowledge in the field of web development , study the huge documentation in order to understand how they work. As for their performance, security and ease of administration, everything is also not very good here. Sites developed on such systems turn out to be of the same type, for the most part they have non-unique templates . We can say that it is more of a system created by programmers for programmers.

The content management system Eqsash CMS is a compromise in such a situation. Simple, lightweight, and functional. In addition, Eqsash CMS is a completely Russian system. This system was developed taking into account the requirements of modern web standards, while its main task is to become an easy and ideal tool for web development of completely different projects.

Here are just some of the benefits:

  • is intended to be used by both general users and professionals;
  • intuitive admin interface;
  • the ability to expand functionality through modules;
  • the ability to connect themes;
  • high performance and system security.

Users may have various questions about how to use this management system in order to create their website. Answers can be found in the dedicated section, by reading the documentation .

Download the system can be found in the downloads section.

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