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Requirements for a SEO specialist for high-quality website promotion


An SEO specialist today is one of the demanded areas in the IT field, thanks to such a specialist, the site becomes successful. And the more successful the site is, the more its income. A good specialist must be able to do some mandatory things, and he also needs to have certain qualities. Finding a competent specialist is the basis of success for high-quality website promotion.

If earlier few people heard about such a specialty and there were not enough offers from employers, but today this direction is extremely important, along with the profession of a web developer. Often the developer's responsibilities include SEO responsibilities , that is, there is a combination of responsibilities.

Where can you learn to be an SEO-optimizer? Officially, such a profession is not yet taught, but you can go to courses or it is better to do quality training on your own. The work of a experienced SEO-optimizer is very diverse, so he needs to have certain qualities, including: responsibility, dedication, perseverance, the ability to analyze large amounts of data, etc.

Let's take a closer look at what is the responsibility of an SEO specialist . A competent specialist should:

  • know the basics of programming in HTML and CSS, since all sites are built on these technologies,
  • conduct a qualitative analysis of content, determine its degree of optimization for promotion,
  • have knowledge in the field of website usability, adapt interfaces for users - this determines the user's behavior, whether he leaves the site or stays,
  • should independently carry out optimization of texts, main tags, such as title and meta ,
  • must be able to perform a competent audit of the site using special tools - various metrics and services,
  • must have experience in developing the semantic core of the site, which should be composed according to the requests of the site audience,
  • understand the principles of operation of the main search engines, quickly track all the introduced rules and algorithms, for which you then need to adapt your work strategy,
  • know how to optimize externally.

The main requirements for a SEO specialist (SEO) have been listed above, but they are much more, since many other various factors must be taken into account. It is important that the specialist is constantly trained and has extensive experience in promotion in various areas and topics of sites. This direction is changing rapidly, promotion algorithms are constantly changing. What was popular yesterday may no longer be relevant and even harmful today.

Such specialists must competently create an advertising campaign, write selling texts and headlines, prepare banners and other advertising materials for a specific site. It is important to be able to work not only with high-frequency keywords, well-chosen low-frequency keywords are very helpful for a young site with a small domain age (less than 1 year). It is necessary to analyze competing websites, connect automatic bidders (bidders), set up UTM tags.

As we saw from this article, a SEO-specialist must have great knowledge in the field of promotion and optimization of projects, this is the only way to guarantee high-quality website promotion.

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