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The semantic core of the site and the selection of keywords

What is the semantic core of the site? Why is it important to develop it correctly, to collect only the most necessary keywords?

After creating a site, many users immediately begin to fill it with various content in order to launch it as quickly as possible and so that it begins to recoup the costs of its development. They think that it is enough to quickly develop a site, fill it with at least something, and visitors will begin to appear on their own. But here it is allowed major mistake .

The main influx of visitors to the site, as you know, is expected from search engines, so it is important to immediately address the issues of site optimization for them. The most important thing on a website is content. Modern search engines use sophisticated algorithms to index the content of sites, they are able to detect low-quality content . Therefore, it is important to correctly approach the issue of filling the site.

Development of the semantic core

You should start by creating a semantic core of the site - a list of keywords by which your site will be promoted in the future. A properly developed core is the basis for successful website promotion; for its development, you can and should use auxiliary services and tools.

Let's consider a simplified scheme of development of the semantic core of the site . At the beginning, you need to decide on the direction of your activity, come up with a few words or phrases that most fully describe it. Then you should use a keyword selection service, for example, Yandex Wordstat, which is available at .ru . There is also a similar tool from Google.

Finding keywords

Enter the first invented phrase or word and click on the "Find" button. The left column will display keywords that contain your phrase, and the right column will display similar keywords in meaning. The numbers opposite will show how many times a month this phrase was requested by users of the search engine. Highlight suitable words and copy them to a file, such as Excel. You should not chase high numbers of queries - there is high competition for them, just as you should not take keywords with low values ​​- they will be of little use.

Семантическое ядро сайта, ключевики яндекс

Important: if the entered phrases are enclosed in quotation marks, then you will receive exact statistics of queries for one specific phrase, if you enter without quotation marks, phrases containing in one form or another will be displayed and included in the number of queries entered keyword. Scroll through the pages until you have typed the required number of keywords, the more the better. It is advisable to do similar actions in the service from Google, so you will collect more keywords, plus you can spy on the keys from competitors - for this you will find similar services on the network.

Filtering out unnecessary keywords

After collecting keywords and entering them into an Excel file, select a column and select the "remove duplicates" command. After that, you must carefully review the remaining keywords and manually remove lines that do not fit your activity. As a result, there will be a list that needs to be uploaded to the same keyword selection service, only for Yandex it will have to be done at a different address - , at this on the page you need to find the "Budget Forecast" tool, then follow the prompts. Of course you need to be a registered user.

It may be more convenient to do this operation in Google, go to the webmaster's office and go to the page of the Keyword Selection tool. There you can download all the keywords in the form of a file, as well as immediately download the finished file with additional data added, we are interested in the average number of requests per month. Open the downloaded file and delete those keywords that were requested too rarely, for example, less than 50 times a month.

Подбор ключевых слов гугл

Ready semantic core of the site

As a result, you should have a list of keywords of about 150 pieces, for different projects this number may be different. This is the semantic core , when creating content, use the keywords from this file.

If you have any difficulties developing the Semantic Core, contact for help.

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