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Speed ​​up indexing of pages manually - View as Googlebot and Re-crawling pages from Yandex

Search engines currently offer a wide range of functionality to manage the indexing of your site. For example, such popular search engines as Google and Yandex suggest using webmaster tools: Search Console and Yandex.Webmaster.

Once you have finished writing your content and posted it on the site, you can make it appear in the search as soon as possible. You can use some methods to speed up page indexing . One way has already been discussed earlier, it was in sending the updated sitemap to the search engine. Another way to speed up indexing is to manually submit the page to search using the tools of the selected search engine.

View as Googlebot

Google has a special "Crawl" menu item that contains a "View as Googlebot" link. On this page, you can specify the relative path of a new or pre-existing page and request that it be scanned. You can choose a regular or mobile robot. Page scanning is possible, both in simple mode, or you can also request the page to be displayed - this will visually see how the robot will see your page. To do this, click Scan or Receive and Display, respectively.


As soon as the robot crawls the page, you should click "Request indexing" - a window will be shown in which you can specify how to index the page. There are two options available:

  • Crawl this URL only,
  • Crawl this URL and direct links.


The first option will simply index the submitted page, the second will also index the links found on the submitted page. The second option has a more limited number of requests per day than the first. Sent pages will appear in search in just a few minutes.

Re-crawling pages from Yandex

Yandex has a similar tool. To do this, select the item in the left menu "Indexing", then "Re-bypassing pages". Next, you need to enter relative addresses, the difference from the Google tool is that you should specify addresses with a slash at the beginning. Yandex allows you to specify several addresses at once, each address on a new line. The limit for sending is 20 addresses per day. Yandex is more convenient in this regard, but pages appear in search not as quickly as in Google - it may take several days.


Thus, the considered capabilities of the tools for webmasters make it easy to manage page indexing and significantly speed up their indexing .

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