Find out the history of the domain, how to use the website
Before buying a new domain, it's worth checking its history. The domain can be either new or with a history. In some cases, domains with history can be useful, but it depends on their history.
How to find out the history of a domain ? For this there is a unique project that stores information about the history of a huge number of domains. It is available online at . This is a whole portal that provides a story not only about sites, but also about other types of content. To check the history of the site, there are special addresses - or .
How do I use ? Everything is extremely simple - just go to this site and enter the address of the checked domain. If the story is found, a diagram will be shown, which marks the time intervals when the screenshots were taken. If nothing is found, it may mean that the domain has never been registered or the verification service is temporarily unavailable.
There may be a problem at times - does not work . This can happen for various reasons, for example, scheduled work on this site. But sometimes you can try to change the provider temporarily, perhaps the service simply blocks requests from your IP.
When it turned out to find the domain history , you can select any point and see what was on the site at that moment. In this way, you can, for example, restore a site from the archive, this is especially true for drop domains . The distances between the gaps can be different and, accordingly, with different content on the site, this may mean that the domain passed from one owner to another.
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