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What is a drop or a dropped domain, is it worth buying a domain with a history

You may need to register a domain at any time. For example, you have finished developing a site and are going to host it on the network, or you just need a domain for future projects. The earlier register a domain - all the better for its promotion, because domain age affects the success of the project.


As a rule, all people try to use new things and only occasionally acquire used ones. With the purchase of a domain, not everything is so simple. When someone registers a domain with a name they like, they may not even think that someone has used it before. After all, usually the registration procedure for inexperienced users goes like this: I came up with a name, checked it for free in WHOIS and registered it. And later it turns out that the domain is not new, but with a history, and maybe even a bad one.

So, what is a drop ? A drop is a domain that was in use, and then its registration term simply expired, it became free and became available for re-registration. Such a domain is also often called: dropped, vacated, expired . Drops are in great demand among site optimizers, as well as among those who want to get a beautiful name.

Should I buy a dropped domain, domain with history ? It all depends on the specific situation, you need to look at its characteristics. To start a new business, it is best, of course, that the domain be new and clean, and it’s nice to know that no one has used it before. But if the domain with the name you like was previously occupied, this is not a reason to immediately abandon it.

If it doesn't work come up with a good domain name without history, then you can still pay attention to domains with history. A domain with history can be extremely useful if it has good performance and has not been seen in questionable activity. This will help in the further promotion of the site. But such a domain is difficult to register, most often domains with good history and performance are quickly registered by cybersquatters and other registrars.

And finally, pros and cons of domains with history , short list:

  • domain can be registered in directories - this is a plus;
  • a good domain reputation is a plus;
  • the domain has a sonorous name - this is a plus;
  • a search engine filter can be applied to the domain - this is a minus;
  • the domain can be a "mirror" of another site - this is a minus;
  • a domain may have a lifetime "ban" in search engines - this is a minus.

Thus, buying a domain should be done with caution, before buying it is necessary to carefully check the history of the domain and only then register it.

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