Articles (pg. 5)

The modern world is constantly changing, there is a development of various technologies - it is worth talking about it. This section contains articles by category that cover all sorts of topics. Select the category of interest, after which a list of articles will be shown. Below the tags, there is a list of all articles published on the site. You can read about something new, as well as find solutions to current problems.
Number of articles: 216
For the development of sites, as a rule, ready-made content management systems ( CMS ) are used. All the rest of the necessary functionality...
Recently there was a mass hacking of sites on CMS Drupal (up to 7.58). This became possible due to a vulnerability in the system itself, which d...
Often there is a task of centralized data processing, and this data must be accessible from any place and from any device. In this case, the site ...
Everyone who runs their business should have a customer database. There he can add new clients and modify existing ones. Previously, customer data...
Sometimes a situation may arise when the site starts to work differently than before, some oddities in its work become noticeable. This could be a...
Bitrix 24 applications are currently in great demand. This became possible due to the high popularity of the Bitrix 24 service itself. This servic...
HTML has been around for a long time. Thanks to this language, the emergence of many Internet sites has become possible. The abbreviation HTML s...
Website promotion is the most important topic. In fact, there is no point in creating a website without promotion, because simply developing a web...
When developing, it is often required to indicate in the code any values of variables containing Russian or English text. This text can be calle...
Development for Android is currently a promising area of work for IT professionals, and it may also be of interest to anyone who wants to unders...
Sometimes there is an urgent need to fix any error in the operation of a PC or other device. You can solve this problem yourself if you understand...
Each owner of the Bitrix 24 portal has the opportunity to easily organize the sale of goods without creating an online store. It's enough to crea...
1C-Bitrix recently introduced a new software product - Bitrix24 sites . Now anyone can create their own website in just a few minutes by selectin...
The concept of a namespace has long been present in many popular programming languages. Finally, starting with version 5.3, this feature has b...
Version 5.4 of PHP brings many useful new features, including the declaration of arrays in square brackets. Many developers will love this inn...
What is the semantic core of the site? Why is it important to develop it correctly, to collect only the most necessary keywords?
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